So, Where Do You Write?

Recently, publisher Ericka Clay asked me this question during an interview for the online literary magazine, Tipsy Lit. The romantic and glamorous answer is that I write in coffee shops or diners, a cup of coffee nearby.
Coffee Contemplation, Pret a Mange, Evanston, IL

Coffee Contemplation, Pret a Mange, Evanston, IL

But the truth is a bit less glamorous!  To read the interview, click on the link:…


9 replies »

  1. What an interesting interview! You book sounds very good, too.
    I have a question: when you write – like in a café – do you use a notebook as in pen and paper or do you always have your laptop with you? Thanks for your reply!
    Have a very HAPPY day 🙂


  2. Hi! Great question. Yes, I bring my laptop! Not always, but when I know I have time to write outside the house. In emergencies, I always have a notepad in my purse (and pen)!! And have a happy day too.


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