Moonbeams #3: All That We Share

Democracy requires citizens to see things from one another’s point of view, but instead were more and more enclosed in our own bubbles. Democracy requires a reliance on shared facts; instead were being offered parallel but separate universes.
― Eli Pariser, The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is Hiding From You

Here’s a reminder of what we share as people living together on this great, wonderful planet, instead of what divides us. It’s so easy to forget the joy of simply connecting on a human level with others.  A Danish TV commercial reminds us of this.


What are your thoughts about how we can bring people together in this time of fragmentation, fear, and anger?

This is the third Moonbeam, a series open to everyone who wants to penetrate the murkiness of divisive rhetoric and fear-mongering that defines our age.  My hope is that together we can create a virtual space that will startle us with its beauty, hope, and vision of what is possible.  To read other Moonbeams click on the embedded link here and here. To submit a Moonbeam, email it to me in an attached file (.jpeg, .doc) at  With your submission, don’t forget to include a link to your blog–if you have one, and the original source of the material.

12 replies »

  1. Great video. Sometimes it’s hard to realize just how varied people really are, and when it finally happens, one has to embrace the difference because humanity is really one big tree, and everyone is essentially the same animal, or as Darwin would have it.

    Liked by 1 person

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