WPC: At the Corner of Graffiti Alley in Ann Arbor

Still round the corner there may wait, A new road or a secret gate.~J. R. R. Tolkien

Several days ago, as we walked down East Liberty Street in Ann Arbor, Michigan, bright colors in an alleyway caught my eye.  I hesitated, wondering whether I should take a step forward or keep walking.  But curiosity got me in the end, and the conviction that I was in for a surprise.

Shot 1, Graffiti Alley. Ann Arbor, Michigan. Taken with a Samsung Galaxy S7.

Many times happiness is just around the corner, on that corner that we never dare to turn.”
― Mabel Katz

We had stumbled upon Graffiti Alley, a local spot well-known by locals and some tourists who like to wander off the beaten path. A kaleidoscope of images and the messages rise upward–a dozen feet or higher.

Alley Shot 2.

I know what is around the corner – I just don’t know where the corner is.~Kevin Keegan

As I neared the corner, I hesitated.  What was this?  A butterfly?  A memorial?  I didn’t know what to think.

Alley Shot 3.

Prosperity is just around the corner.~Herbert Hoover

As I neared the corner, I spied a fellow in a baseball cap, peering at me.   Intrigued, I kept walking.

Alley Shot 4.

I only know how to approach a place by walking. For what does a street photographer do but walk and watch and wait and talk, and then watch and wait some more, trying to remain confident that the unexpected, the unknown, or the secret heat of the known awaits just around the corner.~Alex Webb

And then, I turned the corner and stopped.  Was the artist making a joke?  I could almost hear him laughing.  But there was his final image–a tough guy with a punch line about whole milk!  I had to smile at the artist’s sense of humor.  After a dark alley of chaotic images, he ends with a wholesome message…literally and figuratively.

Alley Shot 5.

And there was one more joke.  The quote was not from the artist, but the head football coach at the University of Michigan.

At the End of the Alley. Shot with a Samsung Galaxy S7. Ann Arbor, MI.

Here’s a close up of the final image.

For fun, as the grand finale for this week’s photo challenge, here’s the entire sequence of photos animated in Google Photos.

At the End of the Alley. Ann Arbor, MI. Shot with a Samsung Galaxy S7.

Have an inspiring week, everyone!


















17 replies »

  1. How I interesting! thanks to sharing! If you’re into street art, be sure to check out Chalerma Park in Bangkok (Thailand) as it’s very similar to your photos! Looking forward to your next post 🙂

  2. Hi, Tiff! Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I would love to go to Bangkok. It’s on my very long list of places I want to visit. I’ll check out your site next.

  3. Wow, what a lot of artwork to take in this little bit of alley! Loved your journey of discovery as you walked through and were intrigued by certain illustrations — it reminded me of Alice-in-Wonderland.

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