Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #45: Street Art

The marvels of daily life are exciting; no movie director can arrange the unexpected that you find in the street. -Robert Doisneau

On our walks, I’m always on the lookout for creative messages from artists and activists who leave their mark on a city.  I love the element of surprise–turning a corner and finding a remarkable creative work.

Some artists use spray paint and stencils;  others use posters and stickers.  In cities like Chicago, New York, and Vancouver, street installations and sculpture highlight and beautify specific places–like Millennium Park, Columbus Circle, and English Bay.

Here are some of my favorite street art discoveries:

Graffiti Art, St. Kilda’s Beach, Australia

The community of St. Kilda, a short train ride from Melbourne, is a wonderful combination of a relaxed beach scene and urban cool.

Graphic Art, Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne is famous for its street art.  I loved the juxtaposition of the quote on this gritty urban street.

Poster Art, Madrid, Spain

This poster was so large that it dominated the park and skyline in section of Madrid.  I included a few people in this shot to give you a sense of its size.

Bigger Than Life

Prints, Florence, Italy

The works of the anonymous artist, Blub, appear all over the streets of Florence.   These prints playfully reproduce famous works of art like Michelangelo’s David or images of famous people like Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci and Amy Winehouse, all wearing scuba goggles. 

Inuksuk Sculpture in English Bay, Vancouver, B.C.

This inuksuk sculpture helps create a wonderful, peaceful place to view the harbor.  It’s one of my favorite places in Vancouver.

Inuksuk Sculpture, English Bay, Vancouver, B.C.

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #44 is your chance to highlight Street Art in any form, such as posters, graffiti, prints, stencils, sculptures, or installations.   We’re looking forward to seeing the art you found on streets of the towns and cities close to home or all over the world.

Last week, Tina’s wonderful Harmony theme inspired many of us to think about how colors impact our shots and/or what harmony means to us.  We always love seeing your diverse individual interpretations each week.   No two posts are ever alike!

Have you seen these…

We invite you to join us this week.  Newcomers are always welcome.  Here’s how:

  • Create a new post on this week’s theme.
  • Link your post to this one.
  • Tag your post with Lens-Artists to help us find you in the Reader.   We’ve had some trouble with pingbacks, so tagging will help us find your post.
  • If you need more detailed instructions, click here.

Next week…

Stop by when it’s Ann-Christine’s turn to host challenge #46.  Wishing you week of inspiration and unexpected discoveries.

192 replies »

  1. Nice topic for this week, have already published a lot on street-art but for next week already scheduled something else. The “Inuksuk” sculpture you show is very interesting, good to see that Inuit culture is honoured now really a little bit more in contemporary Canada. At the filmfestival BERLINALE of 2018 here in Berlin, they were featured with art and films in the Canadian Embassy and now Inuit artists from Canada are participating in the current Biennale of Venice 2019. Really encouraging.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Hi, Suburban Tracks. I’m glad you find this topic inspiring. And like you, I’m glad that native artists are getting recognition. I hope you join our challenges at a later point. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Here’s mine, Patti! Not as colourful, but still. Thank you for a fun challenge! lagottocattleya.wordpress.com/2019/05/11/lens-artists-photo-challenge-45-street-art/

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Funny how we all love street art but there are many who think it’s urban decay! These are all wonderful Patti but I especially loved the native statue. We need to broaden our concept of what street art really is! Terrific post

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you, Tina! I totally agree about broadening the concept of street art. I remember when people were talking about graffiti being “urban decay” and then graffiti artists like Keith Haring made it big in the art world. That spot in Vancouver is really special. So peaceful and beautiful.


  4. The poster isn’t only large, but amazing. I laughed at the juxtaposition I also saw in the second shot and I really like that last sculpture. It also makes me laugh a little, as it looks somewhat like a small stone person with really big legs. I’m waiting for it to take off and waddle away. 🙂


    Liked by 3 people

    • Funny you said that about the sculpture. I had the same reaction at first! But it blends so well with the rocky shoreline and outcroppings. It’s such a lovely spot to meditate on life. 🙂 Thanks as always for your insightful comments, Janet. 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. A theme after my own heart! And I have shots of the red Huawei advert too – it was very impressive!
    Thank for selecting my contribution from last week. I’ll be back with some street art soon.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Patti, great examples of street art, particularly from Australia, and of course, the Inukshuk at English Bay. I remembered seeing the Inukshuk for the first time at the 1986 World Exposition, known as Expo `86 here in the city.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. I love how the Inuksuk sculpture adds to the serenity of the Vancouver shore and got a kick out of the artist Blub’s work you featured. It reminds me a little of Banksy works in San Francisco (and elsewhere) with its tongue-in-cheek commentary about art and society.

    Liked by 4 people

  8. Pingback: Look This Way
    • I’m glad you like the theme and the collection, IJ. I’ll take a look at your post next. I haven’t been to Berlin yet, so I’m curious what you found!


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