Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #59: Angles

Ann-Christine’s Angles challenge this week “speaks” to me in several ways.  First, let’s look at the creative angle in architecture, photography, fine art, and street art.  In this sense of the word, “angle” means a shift in perspective.  Great creative artists are visionaries who show us a different way of looking at the world.


Creativity arises from our ability to see things from many different angles.~Keri Smith

As some of you may know, I am a big fan of architecture and love to capture shots of dramatic structures, like this one in the Docklands area of Dublin.  I admire the architect’s attention to detail–in choosing materials that reflect the sky and the surroundings.  Even the placement of the windows at these angles is a carefully considered decision to maximize the aesthetic effect.

Angles, Docklands, Dublin.


It is always quietly thrilling to find yourself looking at a world you know well but have never seen from such an angle before.~Bill Bryson
Next, I’ll highlight another aspect of “angles” in terms of photography.  I totally agree with Bill Bryson who reminds us about the joy of finding hidden worlds beyond our normal field of vision and from our customary perspective.   One of the things I love about photography is its power to open up new worlds, new visions of ordinary objects–as illustrated by this close-up shot of a leaf.

Surprising Angles, Botanic Gardens, Lisbon.

Fine Art

Good art is art that allows you to enter it from a variety of angles and to emerge with a variety of views.~Mary Schmich

When I visited the Baptistry in Florence several months ago, I was surprised that I could walk right in and view this treasure without waiting in line –unlike the Duomo just a dozen steps away. One glance at the 80-foot octagonal ceiling and I was mesmerized by the intricate mosaic design divided into rectangular sections featuring saints, deities, and angels.  The artistry, detail, design, and golden hues created a divine cosmos glowing in a night sky.  As I walked around the Baptistry, I shot dozens of images from different angles. That’s the hallmark of great art, isn’t it?  To expose us to new ways of seeing and changing us in the process.

Baptistry Ceiling, Florence.

Street Art

Reality is like a face reflected in the blade of a knife; its properties depend on the angle from which we view it.~Hsing Yun

Sometimes street art hits our eyes like a lighting bolt out of the blue.  That was the effect of this image taken on the streets of Melbourne earlier this year.  I loved the vivid crayon-like design and colors, full of sharp but friendly angles.

Street Art, Melbourne, Australia

Every fight is one between different angles of vision illuminating the same truth.~Mahatma Gandhi
And finally, there’s the political interpretation of “angles” in terms of differing points of view.  I think in our divisive political world, we have categorized people into political camps of “us” versus “them,” which can be misleading and simplistic.
Gandhi’s wise words remind us that we all form opinions that reflect our version of the truth.  The challenge now is to find a common ground between us, and our common truth. Let’s use that as a starting point for solving some of our most pressing national and global issues.

All of us at Lens-Artists love our photo “conversations” with you as you create posts on the weekly themes. We hope you join us for Ann-Christine’s wonderfully creative Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #59: Angles. Remember to link your post to Ann-Christine’s post and tag it Lens-Artists to help us find it in the WP Reader.

If you’re new to the challenges, click here to learn how to join us.

Next week, it’s Amy’s turn to lead the challenge, so be sure to visit her blog for her creative inspiration.  As always, Amy, Tina, Ann-Christine, and I thank you for your support of our challenge!

79 replies »

  1. Excellent coverage and photos, Patti! ” I shot dozens of images from different angles. That’s the hallmark of great art, isn’t it? To expose us to new ways of seeing and changing us in the process.” You could not have phrased it better – thank you! For my lacking in language you are the beacon. My favorite is…Docklands – but I love them all.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Quite a narrative, Patti, in all angles. The street art is always a delight to see and surprises us. I heard recently that the truth has only one color while lies consist of different hues that we become mesmerize by it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Angles in Docklands is brilliant. Opening up new worlds is beautifully expressed in your photos, “the surprising angle” especially.
    Every time I see your fabulous photos of Florence, I tell myself that I need to revisit the city. (Wonder if you watched the 60 minutes this morning? ) Thank you for the insights about the divisive political world.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi, Amy. Wow. Thank you so much for your wonderful and generous thoughts on this post! I’m delighted that it resonated with you. Yes, Florence is calling to me again, too! I hope you do go back. It would be fun to meet you there next year! I didn’t see CBS Sunday Morning. I wish I had . Maybe I can find it online?


  5. The photograph of the building in Dublin was exquisite. It made me go back to see whether my mind comprehended what my eyes saw . As usual your photos along with the post gave much to ponder upon, be it art or politics. A winner all the way !

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Love how you’re making a statement with your quotes and photos of different genres of artistic expression (& politics). Sometimes a change of perspective can be inspiring. “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Loved your post, Patti. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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