The Quote Challenge–Day 2

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.~Leonardo da Vinci

Ready for day 2 of the quote challenge?  Thanks again to Restless Jo for spurring me on.

One spring evening on our recent trip to Florence, we walked to the Giardino delle Rose, just minutes away from the heart of the city.   It’s a place where Florentines can find simple pleasures in a sophisticated city.  Here, people stretched out on the grass, walked among the flowers, and chatted with friends.

Il Giardino delle Rose.  Shot with a Fuji X-T2.

The roses were just starting to bloom.  I love that delicate shade of yellow.

Yellow Roses, close up.

And among the flowers, there were lemon trees.  I looked twice at their size.  Yes, they really are that big.

Lemons Close Up. Shot with a Fuji X-T2

Once again, I chose a Leonardo da Vinci quote–not only because he was a native of Tuscany, but also because of the truth of his statement.  In Italy, simplicity is often the guiding principle.  People often dress in black in classic styles–with a dash of color (a scarf, a handbag, a piece of jewelry) added for good measure.  Food is prepared with a few basic, fresh ingredients.  The focus of daily life is often on the simple things–meeting friends and family, sharing a good meal, having a good conversation, and appreciating the moment.  The Italians do this with enthusiasm and a great deal of style.  Back at home, I was inclined to believe that sophistication was bought–with more expensive clothes, cars, and by having an extravagant lifestyle.  Italians prove that is not true.

Now, as the last step in the challenge, I’m inviting 3 bloggers to join me if possible.  No worries if you’re busy.  You can join any time.

Now for the rules :

  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Post a quote on 3 consecutive days.
  • Share why this quote appeals so much to you.
  • Nominate 3 different bloggers for each day.

Have a great day, everyone, and see you tomorrow on Day 3 of the challenge!

8 replies »

  1. I absolutely love that first shot, Patti! I walked up that hill on a similarly sunny day but it was still February, so no roses. 🙂 🙂 Florence made my heart sing and looking at it again through your photos does the same. Thank you so much!

    Liked by 1 person

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