WPC: Temporary Beauty

Nothing endures but change. ― Heraclitus

Like many of  us, I don’t like to be reminded of life’s transience.  I want to hold onto the people, places, and things I love even though I know, intellectually, this is a fool’s errand!  Like many of us, I stubbornly cling to the grand illusion of permanence.

In response to Ben’s “temporary” photo challenge, here are three shots of transient moments taken over the last few months.

At the Peak of Summer

Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.~Omar Khayyam

On a hike this summer, I stopped to take this shot of a field filled with wildflowers and, in the distance, a red barn.  The intense heat, the insects buzzing,  the startling blue of the sky–it was a glorious summer day, but this season doesn’t linger very long here in Michigan.  Maybe that’s why the summer is bittersweet in its intense burst of glorious light and heat.  Before long, the chill comes, ushering in another season.

End of Summer Hike. Grand Rapids, MI. Shot with a Samsung Galaxy S7.

At Sunset

Sunsets, like childhood, are viewed with wonder not just because they are beautiful but because they are fleeting.
― Richard Paul Evans, The Gift

Our son, Alex, sent us this shot last week of the harbor in Vancouver at the moment when the day is sliding into night.

North Vancouver Sunset. Shot by Alex Moed. Samsung Galaxy S6.

Graffiti In the Country

Graffiti always been a temporary art form. You make your mark and then they scrub it off.~Banksy

I don’t often see graffiti in the country.  Do you?

Graffitti Barn. Grand Rapids, MI.  Shot with a Samsung Galaxy S7.

Beauty makes transience bearable~ Jane Hirshfield

This quote from the poet Jane Hirshfield  is a fitting end to my post, along with my wish for you–a week filled with beauty, inspiration, and joy.


















8 replies »

  1. Finding graffiti is no problem in this neck of the woods! But some of the artists are so talented with their own unique style. Some are creating beautiful murals of birds found in and around the city. I’ve happened upon a few of these murals and they really brighten up the street. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sally (of Lens and Pens) just did a post on those artists. Fascinating. Funny–I thought of you when I read it–knowing how much you enjoy bird watching. Have a great holiday this week!


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