Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #30–Unexpected Moments in Melbourne

To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect.~Oscar Wilde

Ann-Christine’s theme this week gives us a chance to reflect on the unexpected moments in life.  Far from predictable, my life has taken more twists and turns than I could have ever imagined.

Who would expect, for example, that I would fall in love with a man I met on the first day of college?  Who would expect that we would get married dozens of years ago, move all over the United States, and live in 11 different cities and towns…so far.  (I’m sure we’ve got a few more moves in our future.)

Who would expect that our son, who was a reluctant and grumpy traveler, would become an eager adventurer, who is living now in Vancouver, B.C. and is an expert at scouring the web for great travel bargains?

Who would expect that our dream of traveling the world would come to pass after years of career upsets and reversals of fortune and unexpected health challenges?

I am certainly as stunned as you are, and I will be forever thankful that these unexpected twists and turns have taught me what really matters in life, and how to enjoy life now and not some distant day in the future.

When we travel, I am always on the lookout for the unexpected.  This week, I’m sharing some surprising moments in the beautiful city of Melbourne, Australia.

Street Art

The only real things in life is the unexpected things. Everything else is just an illusion.~Watkin Tudor Jones

The street art here is bold, colorful, and tucked away in narrow alleys.  It was always a treat and a wonderful surprise to discover them.  Here’s one of my favorites on Beaney Lane.

Beanery Lane, Melbourne, Australia. Shot with a Google Pixel 2.

Daring Architecture

There are dozens of new construction projects currently underway in Melbourne.  Many of them are architectural wonders, like this building at the University of Melbourne.

Modern Melbourne. Shot with a Google Pixel 2.

Luna Park at St. Kilda’s Beach

I love this playful entrance to the amusement park at St. Kilda’s Beach–a 30 minute ride from the heart of the Central Business District (CBD).  It shares the same name as the amusement park in Coney Island, Brooklyn–not far from our first apartment.

Luna Park, St. Kilda Beach, Melbourne. Shot with a Fuji X-T2

National Gallery of Victoria

Melbourne’s premier art gallery hosted a terrific exhibit of the Dutch artist, M.C. Escher.  We were fortunate to get tickets while it was still in town.   Escher, a master of perspective, studied reflective surfaces and how they refract light.  He used reflective objects in some of his most famous works, like this self-portrait.

M.C. Escher Exhibit, Melbourne. Shot with a Google Pixel 2.

A Unique Shopping Mall & Train Station

Who has ever seen a train station and shopping mall erected beneath a former bullet factory?  Coop’s shot tower, erected in 1888, manufactured shot bullets.  A giant glass and steel tower was erected around the abandoned factory in 1991 in order to preserve the structure.  Today, it’s part of Melbourne Central, a shopping mall, which also connects to the train station.

Coop’s Shot Tower and Mall, Melbourne. Shot with a Google Pixel 2.

Some unexpected moments are delightful.  Others fill us with dread.  How we deal with them defines our character and our resilience.

In closing, I’d like to make a book recommendation.  In her book, Any Ordinary Day: What Happens After the Worst Day in Your Life, Leigh Sales interviews a number of people who have coped with and even triumphed over life’s near disasters.  She also explores her own brush with several catastrophic events, as well as scientific research on how the brain processes these events.  I’ve now read several chapters and highly recommend it.  Here’s a link to the book on Amazon.

I hope you join Ann Christine’s intriguing and thought-provoking Lens Artists Photo Challenge #30 Unexpected.  Next week, it’s Amy’s turn to host Lens Artists Photo Challenge #31. 

Have a joyful and light-filled week!

33 replies »

  1. How wonderful that there is a Luna Park in Australia! The one in Coney Island had been closed for quite some time before reopening a few years ago. It’s helped to revitalize the boardwalk. 🙂
    Hope you’re having a wonderful trip!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, Jackie. Luna Park really needed to be refurbished. It was pretty run-down when we lived there. I’m glad it’s bringing vitality back to the area. I’m sure the rents are a lot higher now on Brighton 7 Street–where we used to live! The trip has been fabulous. Thanks! We’re now in Fiji–a magical place. I keep thinking about you when I see all the tropical birds. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Fabulous post Patti. That last image is an awRd-winner for sure! That’s the beauty of staying in a place vs passing thru as we did. I don’t remember any of these sites from our Melbourne visits 😡

    Liked by 1 person

    • This looks like a lot of recent construction, Tina. I think there was a big boom fairly recently. I’m so glad you like the shot tower! It was a stunner with the reflective lights!


  3. What a beautiful city, I love the architecture! The park looks so much fun. Looks like you have had a great time in Australia. Thank you for introducing book, I will look it up at amazon.com


    • Hi, Amy. Yes, it is a beautiful city with amazing architecture. It was a lot of fun. We also got to see the Australian Tennis Open early in the tournament. It was a terrific two weeks. I hope you enjoy Leigh Sales’ book. I like the mixture of true stories and scientific research on how the brain processes these events.


    • Hi, Jo. How did you know about my birthday?? You are clever! My birthday is drawing to a close and it was just about perfect–exercise first, working on my new book and this blog post, swimming, spending time with my husband, and a lobster dinner. And we just arrived in Fiji yesterday! Wow!!


    • Hi, Jo. How did you know about my birthday?? You are clever! My birthday is drawing to a close and it was just about perfect–We arrived in Fiji last night, so today I exercised first, spent time writing my new book and this blog post, swimming, and having a lobster dinner with my husband. Perfectly perfect, I’d say!


  4. I love this post of unexpected beauty and surprises. Mom say don’t expect anything or else you’re doomed for disappointments. Will check out the book, Patti and thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Well, these shots are really fabulous, Patti! Who would have guessed there were so many unexpected surprises in Melbourne? If you live there I am sure you know…but..I don’t think many Scandinavians have an idea. This must truly be a photographer’s paradise! Impossible to choose a favorite hear – they are all fabulous in their own way. And how I envy you the Escher exhibition… Happy belated Birthday from a cold and wet Sweden!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, A-C. I wish you could have seen Escher too. His work is amazing. And thank you too for the birthday wishes!! It was a fantastic day, which ended in a lobster dinner. How great is that?? I hope you have some sunshine and warmer temperatures ahead in Sweden. 🙂 Your new dog is adorable. I’m sure I would have trouble leaving your two adorable curly-haired dogs too.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Happy Birthday, Patti, from your snowed-in friends in Grand Rapids, MI! May the travel adventures continue for many years to come! All the best, Kathy and Bart

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Kathy! That’s a wonderful wish! I couldn’t have come up with a better one myself. 🙂 All the best to you and Bart in snowy MI. I hope there’s a trip to Arizona on the horizon.


    • Hi, MMM. There were lots of surprises! We even got tickets to the Australian Tennis Open. Amazing. The open seating was good because you could see matches in several venues. I hope all’s well with you!

      Liked by 1 person

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