Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #122: The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

The sun’ll come out
Bet your bottom dollar
That tomorrow
There’ll be sun!~Charles Strouse & Martin Charnin, from the musical Annie.

This week we are delighted to welcome our guest host Ana of Anvica Photos, whose beautiful and hopeful post comes at a time when many of us around the world are struggling.  Sometimes, it feels like we are flying blind into the night, but at the same time there is hope and a fervent desire for change.


She shares the lyrics from the famous song, “The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow,” from the play Annie, based on the comic strip, Little Orphan Annie, popular during the Great Depression, when many parts of the globe were suffering through severe economic hardship and deprivation, and staggering rates of unemployment and homelessness.  In America, the agricultural heartland was also suffering through a severe drought which affected food production, spiked inflation, and bankrupted many farmers.  This global recession lasted not for months, but for many years.  It was a time of political turmoil, rising nationalism, the emergence of dictators and the start of another world war.  It was a time of great anger, fear, and greed.  Some nations faced these challenges and emerged greater, stronger;  others stumbled. 

We are facing some of the same challenges today.  How will we respond to them?  Ana reminds us that optimism during difficult times may seem naive or simplistic or even gratuitous, but it is an individual choice we make.  We can see the glass as half full or half empty.  In either case, our reaction sends out ripples of influence–not only to our inner circle of friends and family, but out to the wider community.    


Like Ana, I’m an optimist.  Some would say “an incurable optimist.”  But my optimism isn’t based on blind faith.  It’s based on a long view–of history and human nature.  

That’s why I enjoyed the story of the inspiration behind Little Orphan Annie.  Harold Gray, the creator of the comic, was searching for a winning idea for a new comic strip in 1924.  His earlier ideas for a strip had been rejected by the publisher.  By chance while out walking, he met a little “ragamuffin” on a Chicago street.  According to Gray, “I talked to this little kid and liked her right away.  She had common sense, knew how to take care of herself.  She had to.  Her name was Annie.  At the time some 40 strips were using boys as the main characters; only three were using girls. I chose Annie for mine, and made her an orphan, so she’d have no family, no tangling alliances, but freedom to go where she pleased.[1]


Little red-headed Annie and her adventures with her dog Sandy and her benefactor Oliver “Daddy” Warbucks were an immediate success.  Harold Gray drew the comic strip up until his death in 1968.  Several artists continued the strip until it was canceled in 2010.  But the story of the little red-headed girl and her optimism inspired a radio show, a film, and a musical with a wonderful score with songs like “The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow.”  The spirit of Annie lives on today in those people who refuse to give up despite overwhelming odds.  They refuse to give in to fear and to anger.  They are guided by hope and faith in the future and the goodness of others.


Annie and her indomitable spirit can serve as a guide for those of us who are struggling to find the sun during these dark and troubling days of illness and strife.  All around the world we are facing an unprecedented surge in coronavirus cases.  Yesterday alone, over 1,000 people died in my country.  Since the beginning of the pandemic, over 1.2 million have died around the world. 

At the same time, scientists are racing to find effective treatments that will shorten the duration and severity of the covid virus, and vaccines that will slow its spread.  We will come out of this time of darkness and we will find ourselves in the light again.  Until then, we must keep the faith in ourselves, our country, and people all over the world.  

The Sunshine After the Storm, Sedona, AZ


The photos in this week’s collection were shot over several years.  

  • Image #1:  Cloudy skies over Boston, 2016  
  • Image #2:  Savusavu, Fiji, 2018
  • Images #3 & #4:  Wallis Sands Beach, Rye, NH, 2020
  • Image #5:  Boca Raton, Florida, 2014
  • Image #6:  Sedona, Arizona, 2015

We hope you will join us this week for LAPC #122, The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow. In your post, include a link to Ana’s original post and use the Lens-Artists tag so that everyone can find your post in the WP Reader.

Last week, you shared beautiful, diverse, and breathtaking photos that “Focus on the Subject.”  Your images drew our attention to the subject by using some (or all!) of the techniques we highlighted, including–leading lines, patterns, color, contrast, selective focus, freezing the action, doorways or arches, or the eyes of humans or animals.  They were a wonderful treat for all of us.
Looking ahead to next week, our wonderful Ann-Christine will host LAPC #123 on Saturday, November 14  at noon, so be sure to visit her site.

In closing, once again I’d like to give special thanks to all of you in our creative community for your continued participation, support, enthusiasm, and creativity.  You always inspire us!   I hope you have a wonderful, creative week and please stay safe.

73 replies »

  1. Beautiful as ever Patti. Your optimism shows in your images. I’m with you, an optimist at heart. I believe there is more good than not in people and in the world. I wish you peace in your own corner of the world right now.

    • Thank you, Wendy. Your thoughts make me smile. I’m glad you are trying to be an optimist, too. Our world needs us right now. Thanks for your kind wishes. The same for you, too.

  2. A beautiful post Patti – and how creative to focus on the back story of Annie for your response! I too am inspired by the ability of people everywhere to overcome incredible hardship – far more severe than the crises we now face. I too remain optimistic that common sense and goodness will prevail and the ship will be righted once again – hopefully sooner vs later. Your images are wonderful as always. Your opener and closer are especially stunning. Truly a marvelous post!

    • Hi, Tina. Thank you! I was digging into the history of the comic strip and read about the real Annie. I loved that she was based on an actual little girl that he met. I wish we knew more about her! Yes, I think these everyday heroes should be celebrated for overcoming incredible hardships. I wish the news focused more on them and less on the ugliness! Yes, I share your optimism. We have a long road ahead, but I am hoping that common sense and goodness prevail, too–sooner rather than later.😀. That last photo was such a wonderful moment–when a rare thunderstorm ended with a double rainbow and that gorgeous sunshine. Take care and let’s keep the faith!

  3. Beautiful images and sentiments Patti, so fitting for these transient times 🧡

  4. Happy Sunday, Patti. I especially like the feel of distance and space in your second and third shots. I tend to be an optimist as well, although this entire election cycle has shaken me with all the hatred and incivility shown by so many on both side of the aisle. Right now I’m simply looking forward to getting back outside after a miserable week of being under the weather, having a Covid test (negative), and more. That will be a start.


    • Thanks for your feedback on the images, Janet. It’s so helpful to “hear” your reactions and thoughts. I see what you mean about the sense of distance and space. The skies in those shots felt like they were going on forever! Thank you, Mother Nature! I know exactly what you mean about being shaken by this election cycle. And you’re not feeling well, too! I’m sorry. I hope your are feeling better very soon. I’m glad it wasn’t Covid. What a relief. Take care. I hope you can go out and celebrate very soon.

  5. Your post is inspiring, uplifting, and comforting, Patti. Thank you for reminding us our long stuggle history and human’s endurance. “We will find ourselves in the light again” expressed beautifully through your lens. A great post!

    • Thank you, thank you!! Your response makes me feel wonderful, Amy. I’m delighted my words had that effect. Yes, the light. I am hoping it is coming soon. We must be patient. Not easy. Take care and stay well, too, Amy. Enjoy the day!

    • Hi, Anne. Yes, it’s true. Life is what we make of it–for better or for worse! And thanks too for your kind words. I am loving the smile you gave me!

    • Hi, John. Thank you!! Fiji was a trip of a lifetime. Pristine beaches, as you can see. I felt like we stepped back in time. #3 was shot close to home at Wallis Sands Beach, just 14 minutes by car from our house. Friends took us there last week. What a great spot. We’re delighted that it’s nearby. I hope you have a place nearby where you can relax and rejuvenate, too….in the mountains.

  6. I did not know the story of Annie, I find what you have told us very interesting, thank you very much. I have seen several movies, but I did not know that it had come from a comic strip and yes, it is true, that the time in which it emerged may have parallels with the current one.
    Hopefully, this week in which we have made the sun shine at lens-artists, create a wave of optimism that encourages us and helps us to cope with the current situation.
    The photos are great. 😘

    • I love that Anna…creating a wave of optimism and making the sun shine here at LAPC. Thanks so much for your inspiring theme. You made it happen! Take care and stay well.

  7. Optimism is the key! Whatever hardship, whatever pandemic, whatever unrest…if there’s optimism then everything will be alright. Your photos show so much optimism, nice one Patti!

  8. This is such a great post – again – Patti! Wonderful skies and we get the story behind the song too. I did not know! You are an optimist – I admire you for that, we all need to be. I have never been a true optimist, sadly to say, because human character has always been flawed by power and money. And that shows in the world. But I try. And I believe that if we all try hard enough, life will be easier and better for us humans. I must admit, that I loved hearing from your new president elect, that his focus will be on healing America and its people – and not only from the pandemic. From what I have learned about him, he is a man who has gone through many sorrows and hardships, and that is a firm ground for being compassionate and understanding. Here’s hoping for brighter skies and many sunny tomorrows!

    • I couldn’t agree more, AC about the president-elect. His message is so hopeful. And it’s true. He has suffered so much in his personal life, but he has held onto his faith and optimism. He’s the perfect choice for right now. As for the story, I just read about the real Annie as I was working on this post. I love that she was the model for the comic strip. Hooray for that little girl and her wonderful spirit! To be honest, I have struggled at times to be optimistic, but as far as I can see, pessimism has more downsides than upsides. Our wonderful animal friends also tell us to enjoy the present moment. I think we can learn from them. Take care, too. I am also hoping for brighter skies and many sunny tomorrows! Hugs to you.

    • Thank you so much, Len. To tell you the truth, I think we were flying out of the storm…The shot was taken quite a while ago!!😀. I appreciate your thoughts and feedback, Len. I also really enjoy your site. What Word Press theme do you use? I love how it looks. I hope all’s well with you.

    • Wonderful, Isadora. Those red rocks in Sedona are so gorgeous. I love that place! I’m looking forward to seeing your post. I’m glad you joined us. I was hoping you would. I hope all’s well.

      • I love the Southwest too. The landscape is so different from anywhere else. I think I’ve been fascinated with the Southwest ever since I read Georgia O’Keefe’s biography. LOL I think, after COVID, I may plan a trip there.
        Ironically, Aruba has a similar landscape. There’s a lot of cacti there. It’s very dry, dry. dry.
        Yes, I had a root canal procedure. I was a bit under the weather but am fine now. Thanks for a very interesting challenge this week. I always enjoy the places the challenges go.
        Stay Safe … Isadora 😎

      • Interesting about the similarity to Aruba. I’ve never been there. But I definitely want to go back to the Southwest. What a rich photographic experience it is! Glad you like this theme, too!

  9. Wow! Great post, Patti. Thanks for telling us the history behind Annie. I also appreciated your heartfelt words about our current situation. I liked the drama in the skies and land in your last shot.

    • Hi, Siobhan. I don’t know how my comment to Isadora ended up after your comment! Strange. This has happened a few times with other comments. But…thanks for your thoughts! I’m so glad you liked my optimism and the images. The skies over Sedona are truly remarkable. Take care. I hope all’s well with you.

  10. Thanks, Patti! Not only for your beautiful photos but for the back story I didn’t know. It’s a song to sing your heart out to when you’re on your own and I love it for that. Here’s to a brave new world! We’ll get there if enough people will it so 🙂 🙂

    • True, Jo. I love those songs you can just belt out in the car…or shower…definitely not in a karaoke bar, given my voice!! We will get there…it’s true. I am hopeful that more people will recognize the need and wisdom of a brighter future for all of us. It’s always great to hear from you. I hope all’s well.

  11. Beautiful images for the challenge, Patti. I love that last shot taken in Sedona! I try to stay optimistic but it isn’t easy these days although things certainly seem to be looking rather more sunny now.

    • Hi, Sue. Many thanks! Sedona is gorgeous, isn’t it? I agree. I’m trying to be optimistic, too, but some days are easier than others. Take care and stay safe!

  12. Thanks for the background on Orphan Annie. I had no idea! These days it’s a real test to be an optimist, but I also have to believe that people are innately good and that good will prevail in the end. Such lovely images showcasing the sun – my soft spot is always the water shots. 🙂

    • Thank you so much, Andrea. I just saw your comment. My apologies for the late reply. It is a real test now to be an optimist. But like you, I think it’s important to think that way. Pessimism becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy, doesn’t it? Take care and thanks for your kind words.

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