Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #93: Morning

The morning was full of sunlight and hope.― Kate Chopin, The Awakening

In her beautiful and thoughtful post this week, Ann-Christine asks us to take a look at our morning – or any morning for LAPC #93.

It’s no secret.  I am not a morning person…even after several cups of tea.  I slowly emerge from a cocoon of sleep with great reluctance and with some grumpiness.  (My poor husband.)  But sometimes I surprise myself.  When we are in Savannah, Georgia and Portsmouth, New Hampshire, I actually enjoy our morning rituals.

Savannah, Georgia

We start our morning walk by passing through the beautiful squares in Savannah.  The city was originally designed with 24 squares of green space surrounded by residential neighborhoods.  Some of these squares are filled with historical monuments and pieces of art–like this astronomical sphere in Troup Square.

At the heart of Savannah is Forsyth Park, our next destination.  In addition to tennis courts, an amphitheater, and large sections of green space, this 20-acre piece of land is dotted with memorials and this elaborate fountain with nymphs and fauns, similar to the ones you see in European cities.  In fact, the city was modeled after Paris.

We walk around the park several times, passing tourists already on the move, locals who are out for a morning stroll, runners of all ages and abilities, and parents with strollers.

After an hour of so of exercise, we go to Gallery Espresso–which is both an art gallery and a coffee shop.  This is where I have another cup of tea and read the morning paper.

Portsmouth, NH

When the night is dark enough,
Remember – The dawn is near― Ankush Agarwal

Even though we are now under quarantine, we can still enjoy our mornings in Portsmouth, a harbor city on the Piscataqua River with a history dating from the 1600’s.  In the center of town in Market Square, the North Church is a famous landmark.  If you look closely, you can see the sign telling people to keep their distance, which becomes in the local dialect: “Stay Wicked Fah Apart.” 

We often walk to the Proprietor’s Cemetery–guaranteed to be quiet and peaceful.  On our walks, I am enjoying the transition from winter to spring as the trees start to bud and bloom and the grass turns green.

Morning Walk in Portsmouth, NH

Even though I begin my day reluctantly, I know that mornings are always hopeful.  They are nature’s way of turning the page and starting anew.  What does morning mean to you?  What do your mornings look like?  We are looking forward to seeing your interpretation of Ann-Christine’s beautiful and thoughtful “Morning” challenge.

For the next few weeks, our challenge schedule will be:

Once again, my closing words for this week are: stay well, stay safe, and keep creating!

56 replies »

  1. “Nature’s way of turning the page” – now that is really beautifully said Patti. You do SO have a way with words! And I laughed out loud at “wicked Fah apart” it’s perfect New Englandese! Your images are lovely as always. I especially loved the perspective of your opening image. Stay well my friend and enjoy the budding springtime. Hopefully the forecast for winter’s return this week is totally wrong!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you. as always, for your thoughts on the words and images! I loved the “wicked fah apart,” too. As for spring in New England, it’s always risky through April. We had some sleet yesterday, but today promises to be gorgeous. I agree! Let’s celebrate spring. Take care and be well, my friend!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. These are two beautiful cities, more so through your lens. The quiet morning walk in Portsmouth to enjoy the anew is wonderful. Thank you for sharing the walk with us. We visited Savannah many years ago, and I love it, I haven’t had a chance to pay another visit yet. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, Amy. I love the quirkiness of Savannah and its beauty. On our last visit, we saw a man “walking” his giant pet turtle. Where else can you see something like that?? I’m delighted you like these shots and I hope you get to return to SAV. It’s always good to hear from you!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Your first shot in Savannah had me scrolling to read your whole post. Lovely, lovely. I especially like the way you showed only part of an object in that first shot, and, although you might not have wanted to intentionally teach me something, you did. I really like that photo.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, Rusha. Thank you!! I was trying something…by showing only part of the object. I’m delighted you liked it and learned something from it. I was hoping that it would work. I’m glad you confirmed it!!

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    • Hi, Dianne. I’m glad you like that. It’s a typically changeable sky in New England at this time of year. One day it’s 60 degrees and the next day it’s 30! Thanks for stopping by!


    • Hi, Viveka. I’m delighted you came along with me. “Wicked fah”–isn’t that funny. You hear “wicked” in place of “very” in this part of New England. I love it and I’m glad you do, too. Take care and stay well.


      • Patti, I looked it up .. and I saw that the police force used it too. I never been to New England, it has been on my bucket list on and off. I would like to enjoy the autumn in New England staying at the small beautiful B&B’s. And eat lobster, I done that .. a couple of time because I have in Boston and Portland. Beautiful part of the US. Boston brilliant city for shopping and food.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Love the knight and his lady! What a fabulous coffee shop that must be. And nice that you can wander into the town, I am assuming that you live in Portsmouth? It doesn’t look very much like our Portsmouth and the dialect is nothing like! I do love “Nature’s way of turning the page” – such a lovely way to think of a new day. I’m not a morning person either, but when we are on holiday we do make an effort to get out and about a bit earlier so we don’t waste the day.

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  5. Hi, Jude. I love that so many American cities were named after cities in the UK. I am living temporarily in Portsmouth (pronounced Port-smith). I am happy you liked my phrase about nature turning the page. It popped into my head as I was writing the post this morning. A happy moment! We do the same when we travel…getting out as early as we can. I hope all’s well with you. I’m glad you shared your thoughts!


  6. “I know that mornings are always hopeful. They are nature’s way of turning the page and starting anew. ” So beautiful. If we look at life like this, it will stay positive in our minds. A great post with beautiful and harmonious images. I wish you a lovely week – stay well.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Glad that you’ve found a temporary safe haven in Portsmouth, Patti. I too love that coffee shop window. Doesn’t it feel strange when we can stroll out, but not sit and watch the world drift by over our mugs? Hopefully one day soon. Stay safe till then 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I am not a morning person either, but I have made some exceptions on occasion to watch a sunrise at the beach or over the mountains. Forsyth Park seems like quite a lovely spot. I love that sign. “wicked fah apaht” says it all. And iit looks like you have some beautiful sights to take in during your strolls in Portsmouth as well. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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